We All Love Your Life
George Henry Longly
June 9th - July 30th, 2016
Red Bull Arts
New York
Inspired by the book A House in Space by Henry S.F Cooper, which documents the day to day lives of astronauts on board Skylab, the first US space station operated by NASA from 1973-1979, George HenyLongly transformed the exhibition space into an immersive installation. Considering astronauts and cosmonauts as the original reality TV stars, Longly created several environments that echo the human needs and roles played out whilst living in space: working, living, resting, eating and sleeping. Longly sets up a structure where the power relations between ground control and the space station are examined—played out through a narrative that includes the delivery of a public artwork in space, and an onsite performance venue housed within the space station. Contemporary issues of continual observation, broadcasting, exposure, and the coping mechanisms employed during tasks relating to work and leisure are explored.